Sunday, March 13, 2016

Happy 6th Year Anniversary

Wow, 6 year we been together, my love. I know we still have a lot to obstacles to overcomes this year. Lets hope that we able to achieve these hurdles together. =)

Happy Anniversary to my dear love and very best friend,
After many years,
Pleasure to have you walk into my life,
Passionate and still,
Your sweetness smiling,
Again with all the fun time,
Nevertheless, I miss you so much,
Not wanting to lets you go,
In my heart, there will be only you,
Victory will be ours,
Every seconds, I haven't forgot the fun times,
Remember all those cherish precious moments
So years from now, we can look back,
At another wonderful place and time
Romancing what will be next.
Yet, this is just the beginning of our chapter.

 Happy 6th Year Anniversary Lovely Still Yub Princess Naren.

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